Neeto Blog

Neeto Product Metrics for February 2025

T Sudhish Nair

T Sudhish Nair

March 6, 2025

With February 2025 behind us, let's look at the product metrics. Time to dive in!

🖥️ Product metrics

Currently, we are live with these eight products - NeetoRecordNeetoCal, NeetoChatNeetoDeskNeetoKBNeetoForm, NeetoCode & NeetoInvoice.

Here are some high-level metrics for these products. All the data is for February 2025.

  • Number of meetings booked using NeetoCal: 11,222 (↑ 48%)

  • Number of new meeting links created in NeetoCal: 914 (↑ 2%)

  • Number of recordings created in NeetoRecord: 10,063 (↑ 7%)

  • Number of new workspaces created in Neeto: 2525 (↑ 2%)

  • Number of form submissions in NeetoForm: 2514 (↑ 12%)

  • Number of invoices generated in NeetoInvoice: 95 (↓ 16%)

  • Number of tickets created in NeetoDesk: 5575 (↑ 23%)

  • Number of new articles created in NeetoKB: 7914 (↑ 1%)

  • Number of projects created using NeetoCode: 3493 (↑ 60%)

💰 Payment metrics

Did you know that our Free Plan allows you to accept payments? Three of our products—NeetoCal, NeetoInvoice, and NeetoForm—offer this.

For February, the total payment collected using NeetoCal, NeetoForm and NeetoInvoice was around $97,008.01 USD (we used the current exchange rate to calculate). Here is the breakdown.


  • 1,116.00 USD

  • 599.73 CAD

  • 1,762.75 EUR

  • 69,567.00 GBP

  • 97,530.88 INR

  • 1,000.00 AUD


  • 8,746.0 RON

  • 86.00 USD


  • 105.00 USD

📊 Marketing metrics


  • Total number of followers on LinkedIn: 837

  • New followers added in the month: 22 (↓ 18.5%)

  • Number of page views in the month: 557 (↑ 6%)

  • Unique Visitors in the month: 239 (↑ 21%)

Neeto Website

  • Total number of page views: 4472 (↓ 20%)

🚀 Product Updates


  • NeetoPlanner integration has been improved to handle edge cases, preventing crashes on the NeetoDesk ticket page when a task or project is deleted and hiding related data to avoid confusion.

  • Slack integration has been improved and now supports personalized greetings and signatures based on user settings, as well as preventing duplicate notifications for tickets that have already been sent.

  • The issue with parsing improperly formatted emails from MS Outlook, which was preventing ticket creation, has been resolved.

  • The issue where some HEIC image attachments were not retained in tickets sent via the iPhone Mail app has been resolved.


  • Emails sent to clients now use their preferred 12-hour or 24-hour format, ensuring a more personalized experience.

  • NeetoCal scheduling links now support Romanian and Czech, making it more accessible to a broader audience.

  • The booking confirmation page now includes an embedded Google Map, making it easier for clients to find your offline meeting location.

  • NeetoCal now allows you to override conflict checks for specific scheduling links.

  • To prevent unwanted appointments, the new Require Approval feature ensures that you can approve or reject bookings before they are confirmed.

  • NeetoCal now has support for Google Pay and Apple Pay, enabling faster checkouts and seamless payments for users on both platforms.

  • NeetoCal now allows you to customize the theme of your intro page, creating a more professional and branded experience that builds trust and enhances client engagement.

  • Admins can now set a fixed timezone in the admin panel, ensuring all bookings remain in the correct timezone and preventing scheduling errors.

  • Specific questions in booking forms can now be marked as read-only, preventing accidental changes and ensuring important details remain intact when sharing a pre-filled scheduling link.

  • All the hosts will be displayed on the booking page if a meeting has multiple hosts, ensuring clients know exactly who they’ll be meeting with.

  • Large booking exports are now automatically sent to your email instead of being downloaded instantly, making it easier to retrieve data without waiting in the app.


  • NeetoChat now allows you to edit canned responses with reply/note actions before applying them, giving you greater control over your responses.

  • The bug where some users received duplicate email notifications for unread messages has been resolved.

  • The bug where widget styles did not load in the Firefox browser has been resolved.


  • NeetoRecord now lets you set custom thumbnails for your recordings, allowing you to personalize them and make them look exactly the way you want!

  • NeetoRecord now supports auto-zoom and mouse-click highlighting, making it easier to direct attention during recordings.

  • NeetoRecord's Chrome extension now supports camera-only recording.

  • NeetoRecord desktop app now auto updates in the background if the current version is outdated.


  • The payment element now includes the capability to apply tax.

  • Forms now support conditionally skipping payments during submission.

  • NeetoForm now notifies form creators when the access token for Google Sheets integration is revoked.

  • The issue of page crashes when accessing closed forms is now fixed.


  • NeetoKB now features a new landing page for the Knowledge Base, showcasing a list of categories along with key details for each.

  • The issue where search placeholder text customization was not applied correctly in all areas is now fixed.

  • NeetoKB now supports Supademo embeds, enabling richer and more interactive content within your knowledge base.

  • The bug where articles from private categories appeared in search results is now fixed.

🏆 Small Wins

NeetoCal has just reached two new milestones—over 750 bookings in a single day and 11k+ meetings booked!


NeetoRecord has hit the 10k mark in recordings!


❤️ Member Love

Group 237696.png
Steven on NeetoCal
Group 237695.png
Ramtin on NeetoRecord
Group 237694.png
Tushar on NeetoRecord
Group 237693.png
Raphael on NeetoCal

That's all for February 2025. To receive our monthly product metrics update, subscribe to this blog.

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